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The Reversing pot

Musrara, the Social Gallery 

Bat Yam, Jerusalem

Curator: Ayelet Hashachar Cohen


"The Reversing pot" is a social art project that was developed into an 

exhibition held within a high school classroom. The project aimed to reverse the existing order in the educational system, turning the chairs and tables upside down and transforming the classroom into a studio, gallery, and home.

Once a week for three months, artists Mayan Mozes and Rotem Volk met with students of Ort Meltzer High School in Bat Yam, some of whom were refugees from Ukraine who had arrived in the country just a few months earlier. Together, they discussed life and the experiences they had been through, observed and experimented with art, explored new perspectives on reality, and ventured from the core lessons into a new world of images and new means of expression.

In contrast to the social-cultural uniformity that has been prevalent in Israel for many years, referred to as the "melting pot," this project was a reverse melting pot. Instead of blurring identities and the places from which the students originated, the artists aimed to encourage the multiplicity of identities within the group and provide space for each one to express themselves.

All the artworks presented in the exhibition were created by the students themselves, as a result of the collaborative process centered around the sensitive and loaded topic of "home."

This project connected movements and spaces, bridging physical and metaphorical lines between cultures and countries. In the end, it became an exhibition that embodied movement - movement of change, lands, and migration, transitions between the home left behind and the new home and school, transitions between memories and the everyday.

Project concept, development, and mentoring : Mayan Mozes Platnic and Rotem Volk. Participating creators: Students of Class T7, Ort Meltzer, Bat Yam, Curator: Ayelet Hashachar Cohen, Cultural mediation and translation: Anna Gani, School team: Middle School Principal - Yosefa Rosenbach

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Images from the exhibition space

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